
Top 30 Diseases

Disease can be defined as a condition in which there is an abnormal physical or mental state. A disease is also called a disorder. A disease is a state of being ill, and not just a simple physical ailment. In many cases, the term disease is used to refer to a physical ailment that has a psychological component. The term “disease” is often used to describe conditions that are chronic and have no known cure.

There are many diseases that affect the body and mind, but the most common are:

1. Cancer – Cancer is a disease of the body’s immune system. It is caused by cells that have grown out of control and continue to grow even when they should have stopped. These cells can spread to other parts of the body and cause damage.

2. Heart Disease – Heart disease is a condition in which the heart does not pump blood effectively. It is a leading cause of death for both men and women.

3. Stroke – Stroke is a disease in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted. The brain cannot function properly because it is starved of oxygen.

4. Arthritis – Arthritis is a disease that affects joints and causes them to become stiff and painful. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Diabetes – Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. When diabetes occurs, the body must rely on external sources of insulin. This can be achieved through injections, tablets or a pump.

6. Depression – Depression is a mental illness that is characterized by sadness, loss of interest in life, and fatigue. It can occur at any age.

7. Anxiety – Anxiety is a feeling of unease and fear. It is a normal response to danger. However, when anxiety becomes severe, it can interfere with everyday life.

8. Alzheimer’s Disease – Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia. It is caused by damage to the brain. As a result, people suffering from Alzheimer’s have difficulty remembering things, speaking clearly, and thinking clearly.

9. Asthma – Asthma is a disease in which the bronchial tubes (bronchi) become inflamed and narrow. This makes it difficult for air to pass through the lungs. The air passages become swollen and swollen secretions accumulate.

10. AIDS – AIDS is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by infection with HIV. There are several strains of HIV, each one more deadly than the last.

11. Fibromyalgia – Fibromyalgia is a pain disorder that affects muscles and connective tissue. People who suffer from fibromyalgia have widespread, deep pain in their muscles and tendons.

12. Parkinson’s Disease – Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative neurological disorder. It is caused by the death of nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that helps regulate movement. Without dopamine, the nerves do not work properly.

13. Multiple Sclerosis – Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system. It is caused by inflammation and damage to the myelin sheath that covers the nerves.

14. Migraine – Migraine is a neurological disorder that causes headaches. It is caused by changes in the brain that trigger the release of chemicals that cause pain.

15. Osteoporosis – Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become brittle and thin. It is caused by the loss of calcium from the bones. This leads to weak bones and an increased risk of fractures.

16. Glaucoma – Glaucoma is a disease in which the optic nerve is damaged. As a result, vision is impaired.

17. Hypertension – Hypertension is a disease in which the arteries become hardened and narrow. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood.

18. Epilepsy – Epilepsy is a disease in which seizures occur. Seizures can be caused by a number of factors including head injuries, brain tumors, infections, and certain medications.

19. Schizophrenia – Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder in which a person loses touch with reality. They may hear voices or see things that are not really there.

20. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder in which a person feels tired all the time. He or she may also feel depressed and have trouble sleeping.

21. Rheumatoid Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system attacks the joints. This causes them to become inflamed and painful.

22. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a disease in which people have trouble breathing and feel tired after exposure to certain chemicals.

23. Attention Deficit Disorder – Attention Deficit Disorder is a condition in which a child has difficulty focusing his attention.

24. Tourette’s Syndrome – Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary movements and sounds. It usually begins in childhood.

25. Autism – Autism is a developmental disability in which children do not speak or interact normally. They may appear to be mentally retarded.

26. Bipolar Disorder – Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which people alternate between extreme highs and lows. This cycle is repeated over and over again.

27. Dyslexia – Dyslexia is a learning disability that is caused by problems with reading and writing. It is a common problem in children.

28. Depression – Depression is a condition in which a person feels sad, hopeless, guilty, worthless, helpless, and irritable. It can lead to suicide.

29. Schizophrenia – Schizophrnia is a psychiatric disorder in which people lose touch with reality. They may see or hear things that are not real.

30. Panic Attack – A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense fear or discomfort. It usually happens when a person is under stress.

31. Panic Disorder – Panic disorder is a condition in which a people have recurrent panic attacks. They experience fear of having another attack.

32. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – Post traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that develops after someone has experienced a terrifying event. It causes a person to relive the event over and over again.

The above list is not meant to be exhaustive. Many more diseases exist, and new ones are being discovered every day.

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